Jackson Hole Bible College

One year of Biblical Foundations & Creation Apologetics

JHBC Israel trip March 3-13, 2026

For more information on our trip to Israel with Dr. Paul Benware go to: https://www.morningstartours.com/ben1507/.

Remember the Five – SSAAM Alumni Benevolent Fund

On January 22, 2023, Salomon Correa, Maggie Franco, Andrea Prime, Suzy Prime and Ava Luplow, five of our dear friends (three alumni, one sibling and a friend) were killed in a car accident. Read our full statement here. Please visit https://www.remember-the-5.com.

The SSAAM (Salomon, Suzy, Andrea, Ava & Maggie) Alumni Benevolent Fund has been created in honor of the five to offer prayer and/or monetary gifts to JHBC alumni experiencing difficult times. To find out more information please contact: [email protected].

Why should you choose JHBC?

A message from our President.

JHBC offers a one-year program focused on practical creation apologetics and biblical studies. In a world where science and popular culture are taking precedence over the Word of God, it is imperative that Christians are rooted on a foundation of Biblical principles.

We prepare students for a lifetime of faithful service in Christ’s Kingdom. Whether they go on to pursue full-time ministry or get a job in the secular workplace, they will be grounded on the authority of the Word of God.

If you’re interested in devoting nine months to studying God’s Word and growing deeper in love with Him, this is the college for you. If you aren’t sure where you want to go in life (yet), our program is the perfect transition for you. Whether it’s your first year of college or you’re looking to add a solid Bible education, you won’t regret attending JHBC!