Jackson Hole Bible College One year of Biblical Foundations & Creation Apologetics

Our Administration & Staff

God has blessed JHBC with exceptional men and women in each facet of the school. Quality and gifted personnel compliment a superb faculty of resident and adjunct professors. We thank God for His provision of each one.

Don and Beverly Landis

President/Professor & Resident Nurse

Pastor Don is the Sr. Pastor at Community Bible Church, Founding Chairman Emeritus of the Board at Answers in Genesis, and President/Professor at JHBC. His hobbies are reading, taking walks, watching old BBC movies, hunting and taking his grandchildren fishing.

Mrs. Landis is the wonderful wife of Pastor Don. She is the school’s nurse, and the head of the Manna Ministry. Her hobbies are being a grandma, coupon-ing, yardsale-ing, and tea parties.

She and Pastor Don have two daughters Annie and Holly. Both daughters live and work at the school with their husbands. They have seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. 

Scott and Holly Austin

Dean of Students & Administrator

Scott is the Dean of Students and also an Elder at Community Bible Church. Scott works part-time as a shooting instructor.  Scott enjoys hunting, camping, hiking and anything that involves spending time with his grandchildren.

Holly is the Administrator at JHBC. She enjoys volleyball, hiking, broomball, and playing with her grandchildren.

Scott and Holly have two daughters who attended JHBC and married JHBC alumni. Their oldest daughter and her husband work for JHBC and their youngest daughter and her husband reside in Little Rock, Arkansas. They have five grandchildren. 

Jared and Annie Kuhns

Facility Director & Head Cooks

Jared is the Facility Director and Head Cook.  Jared’s hobbies are professional sports (he knows everything about every team!), hunting and fishing.  Jared is married to Annie and they have five children. Jared is a JHBC alumni and graduated in 2000.

Annie is also Head Cook and is known for her amazing pastries, desserts and gourmet popcorn. Besides cooking, Annie loves puzzles, volleyball, hanging out with students and spending time with her kids.

Jared and Anne also run the Jackson Hole Rodeo concessions booths in the summer.  Annie is a JH native and JHBC alumni; she graduated in 2001.

Wade and Jessica Woodhouse

Wade is one of our Resident Directors. He is originally from Elgin, Illinois. He enjoys basketball, baseball, broomball, volleyball, disk golf, ultimate frisbee, snowboarding, wake boarding, reading, foosball, hanging out with students and spending time with his children. Wade graduated from JHBC in 2012.

Jessica enjoys making jewelry, snowboarding, surfing, volleyball, interior decorating, going out for coffee (she is a coffee connoisseur) and spending time with her children. Jessica graduated from JHBC in 2011.

Wade and Jessica have two sons and a daughter.

Grace Persson

Resident Director

Grace hails from the great state of Arkansas, and is the sixth of nine children. She grew up attending a church pastored by her dad and two uncles, and composed of many of her family members and close friends. Growing up she had the unique experience of being private-schooled, then home-schooled, then public-schooled. After graduation, she made the decision to study at JHBC, and loved her year here so much that she joined as staff for the following school year. She has now been at the college for over seven years. She loves art, music, hiking, snowboarding, and most importantly, sharing the gospel with the lost. Grace graduated from JHBC in 2018.

Abigail Norris

Women’s Head RA

Abbey Norris spent the first eight years of her life in Mexico where her parents worked as missionaries and church planters. In 2009, her family relocated to a coastal town in Oregon where they continue to work with Hispanics through cross-cultural missions. Until August of 2020, Abbey served alongside her family ministering in both youth and children programs. Abbey attended JHBC in 2020-2021 along with her older brother John Mark. After graduating, she made the decision to join the staff at Jackson Hole Bible College. Abbey loves competition, team sports, playing guitar, ukulele and writing music inspired by the Word.

Jonathan Landis

Born in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and raised in Kalispell, Montana, Jonathan’s family has always been ministry minded. He is related to the families on the JHBC campus and would often help them with their summer kids’ camp programs. He grew up homeschooled and counseled at Bible camps and youth groups in Montana. He also grew up a theater kid which helped him learn how to sing, dance and act. Strangely enough, he is the only JHBC staff member to have not been a student at JHBC. After graduation, he attended Glacier Bible College of which his father, Dean Landis directed.  Knowing his spiritual giftings and God-given talents, Jonathan headed back to his second home to serve and lead the students at JHBC.

Jonathan loves football, board games, milkshakes, Biblical conversations and his family on and off the campus.

Samuel Akins

IT/AV Specialist

Samuel was born in Thomaston, Georgia. He has two older siblings and grew up homeschooled for the majority of his life. Before attending JHBC, he spent one year at Toccoa Falls College in Georgia. While at JHBC, Samuel gained valuable guidance and wisdom from the professors over the years, creating a firm foundation for what he believes. After graduating in May of 2024, Samuel stayed on staff for the summer and returned for the fall as an IT specialist for the college. He is excited at the opportunities the Lord has given him to work in a ministry in which the sole purpose is to glorify Christ and see students further their relationship with Christ. He also enjoys board games and pickleball.

Grace Underwood

Assistant Cook

Grace is an assistant cook at JHBC. She was raised on a farm in central east Iowa. After being homeschooled, she graduated High School in 2019. One year later the Lord put it on her heart to attend Jackson Hole Bible College. She enjoyed every minute and learned more than she could have ever asked for! She loved the welcoming environment, staff, and professors. She decided to continue serving God and came back to be on staff. JHBC has been a huge blessing in her life. Grace enjoys playing music, working outside, laughing with friends, and spending time with her family. 

Abigail Weitman

Assistant RA

Abby Weitman was born and raised on a small farm in Willamette Valley, Oregon. She is the second of four children, and had the blessing of growing up in a Christian home. She was homeschooled her whole life, and took a gap year after high school to work prior to coming to JHBC. Her aunt is an alumni of the college and had a huge influence in her decision to attend JHBC. After an incredible year of learning about her Creator and His creation, Abby graduated in May of 2023. She came back on staff with the desire to serve others the way she had been served. Abby enjoys spending time with friends, learning new things, gardening, and being in the kitchen. 

Silas Leaver

Assistant RA

Silas was born in Danville, Arkansas. Raised by his father in three different towns: Vilonia, Russellville, Cabot. He went to a church started and pastored by a family friend based in Conway. Silas went through public school and though raised in a home that went to church every Sunday, he lacked faith. Even when he had put his faith in the Lord he still lived disobediently for years. Silas came to the end of his senior year football season and finally understood how empty life is when you pursue purpose in yourself rather than the Lord. Then the Lord led him to JHBC. He graduated from JHBC in 2024 and went to work at OFCR in Island Park, Idaho for the summer. He was invited back to work on staff at JHBC. The Lord has led him to ministry. Silas is excited for whatever the Lord has in store for him.

Katie Kuhns

RD Assistant

Katie Kuhns was born and raised in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. She is the oldest of five kids. Katie was blessed to grow up in a Christian home. After graduating from Jackson Hole Christian Academy, a small private school. Katie attended JHBC and graduated in May 2024. Her grandfather is the pastor of Community Bible Church and is also the president of Jackson Hole Bible College. Her parents are also alumni and work at the college. She is the assistant for Grace Persson and loves spending time with the students. She loves art, sports, traveling, coffee and speciality sodas. Katie is excited to grow in her walk with the Lord.

Caden Hill

Caden is from Salado, Texas. He graduated JHBC in 2024. When he’s not scheming with nerf guns, plotting at board games, or cooking up a crazy new culinary concoction, Caden enjoys chocolate milk, helping out with boys’ Sunday school, climbing mountain peaks, sushi, swimming, hanging out with his four siblings, and run on sentences. He looks forward to wherever the Lord might take him next!