When did JHBC start?
The ground-work for Jackson Hole Bible College was started in 1997 by Wyoming Mountain Ministries, a local non-profit Christian organization. Late in 1997 the WMM board of directors asked Community Bible Church to carry on the dream of a Bible college in Jackson Hole. The Leadership Council of Community Bible Church provides spiritual oversight for the college.
What majors do you have?
Jackson Hole Bible College offers a one year Diploma in Biblical Foundations. Our only major is Bible, with an emphasis on Biblical creation and discipleship.
JHBC’s one-year program is designed to give students a clear understanding of God’s eternal plan through the timeline of human history beginning with a literal, historical, grammatical and contextual interpretation of Scripture. Foundational belief in a six day solar creation text provides great emphasis on developing our students’ Christian worldview based upon a solid Biblical hermeneutic. Through the popular model of evolution, our enemy is attacking the credibility of the first eleven chapters of Genesis and has set up a huge hurdle for unsaved people who cannot trust solely in Christ. Even within the church, many Christians do not realize that mixing millions of years into the text of God’s Word is a serious attack even on the salvific work of Christ and the nature and character of God.
What’s your mission statement?
Jackson Hole Bible College’s mission is to give a schematic overview of God’s Word in a regular two-semester school year. We desire to teach our students a world-view that will provide a solid foundation for Biblical decision-making throughout every area of life. We wish for our students to be challenged in their academic pursuits but more importantly we desire their spiritual lives to be strengthened and challenged by constant exposure to the never-changing Word of God. We teach our students to defend their faith from a pre-suppositional perspective, which stands squarely upon the Word of God.
Are you accredited?
JHBC is not formally accredited. JHBC strives to maintain its non-formal accreditation status to retain its right to specifically focus on the Word of God. We know of no other school is the US that has either our focus or curriculum and so it is neither our purpose nor our desire at this time to pursue formal accreditation. We believe doing so would alter our original mission.
Our one year program is a great tool in the foundation of any ministry, job or continuing education. Our students have gone on to be missionaries, pastors, doctors and homemakers. A one-year study of God’s Word is not only applicable for every day living and job experiences, but has everything to do with discipleship, storing up treasures in heaven and bringing God glory in every area of our life. Whether a student takes a year to intensely study God’s Word in a Bible college setting or study on their own is not an option for the believer with regard to developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15
Our prayer is that our students would become passionate about studying God’s Word and learn to love Christ with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength.
How credible is your faculty?
The percentage of JHBC’s faculty that has an advanced degree is 79 percent. The percentage of faculty that has terminal degrees is 43 percent. The percentage of faculty teaching in the area of their advanced degree’s is 100 percent.
What’s unique about your curriculum?
The nature of JHBC’s curriculum is to teach God’s Word and Biblical Creationism. JHBC takes two field trips during the year, one in the Fall to Mt. St. Helens, then one in the Spring to the Grand Canyon to study geology from the perspective of Biblical creationism. While the students are in the classroom, they study God’s Word from the faculty who teach here at the college.
Modular classes allow JHBC students to focus for one or two weeks on a single subject to encourage in-depth study, not only on creation science topics but also normal collegiate level textual studies, enhancing the learning environment. Modular classes allow our students specific one-on-one time with the professor throughout the course of the week. Professors that teach at JHBC are nationally recognized and requested speakers. Conversations with our professors are classrooms in themselves, discipling and answering student’s questions outside of formal lecture times. Classes are Monday-Friday, 9 am-noon; we will sometimes have guest lecturers in the evenings.
Jackson Hole Bible College sets itself apart from other Bible colleges through the field trips that are provided in the scholastic year. JHBC students discover Biblical creation evidence first hand during trips ranging from backpacking in Grand Teton National Park, to views of Mount St. Helens at Johnston Observatory as well as hikes down into the Grand Canyon. Field trips provide opportunities for students to personally see evidences which only reinforce what the Scriptures have said all along regarding the implications of a global flood and catastrophism. The philosophy behind these trips is to provide our students with a solid foundation upon which to take a Biblical stand in this post-modern culture for the glory of God.
What is your schedule like?
The calendar of JHBC is that of a two-semester year. From the starting date toward the end of August to the start of Christmas break is the first semester. The second semester starts the week after the New Year, and ends in May with the graduation of the students.
Will credits transfer?
The schools that JHBC currently holds credit transfer agreements in writing are: University of Northwestern, Emmaus Bible College, Institute for Creation Research, Shasta Bible College and The Master’s University.
The colleges that will accept JHBC’s credits by attending JHBC are Cairn University and San Diego Christian College.
We are a recognized school under the United States government’s SEVIS program. However, JHBC is not recognized as an eligible institution educational tax credit and therefore cannot grant FAFSA student aid or 1098 T forms for our students.
What are your living guidelines for students?
Our goal is not to be list-makers as to what defines holiness. The philosophy of our music and dress guidelines is driven by our understanding of 1 Corinthians 8 and Galatians 5. We are motivated by our love for Christ and love for the brethren more than our demanding of personal liberty. In other words, clothing and music are most likely not going to be “hills to die on” for us.
If there is anything we want to be accused of, it would be falling out too much on the grace side rather than the legalism side. For more information you can view or download our Student Handbook here.
What if I am an international student?
JHBC is authorized under the federal government SEVIS program (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) to enroll international students with a F-1 visa only. Proof of financial ability and evidence of English proficiency are mandatory for the application process. Upon acceptance, the student will receive an I-20 form from Jackson Hole Bible College which is to be presented to Immigration officials. For more information please contact the college office.
Does JHBC accept Federal aid or loans?
Does JHBC accept Federal aid or loans? JHBC does not accept any direct or indirect federal financial aid.
Can I obtain a 1098T form?
JHBC is not recognized as an eligible institution for tax educational tax credit and therefore cannot grant FAFSA student aid or 1098 T forms for our students.
Is JHBC affiliated with any denomination?
JHBC is a non-denomination Bible college.
Can I work while attending JHBC?
Due to the nature of the program and planned wilderness activities, students will receive the most benefit out of the one year program if they do not have an outside job. Students are encouraged to provide for financial needs through means other than employment while attending JHBC.
Can I bring a vehicle?
Students wishing to bring a vehicle must first receive permission from the Administration. Reserved parking spaces are $500 for the year.
Where should student mail be sent to?
Mail service to and from Jackson is provided daily. Incoming mail will be placed in the student boxes located in the dining hall. All incoming mail should contain the student’s name plus the full JHBC mailing address. Magazine and other subscriptions need to be approved by the administration. Packages should be sent to the college via a delivery service such as UPS or FED-EX. For mail and packages use the following address: C/O JHBC 3475 Cheney Lane, Wilson, WY 83014.
Do students need to attend church on Sunday?
JHBC is a ministry of Community Bible Church; students are required to attend regularly the morning Sunday services at CBC and participate alongside members of the fellowship. There are several reasons for this including support of fellowship, contact with ministry personnel, and an additional time of teaching (beyond JHBC classes) for students.
Does JHBC provide airport shuttles?
Airport shuttle from the Jackson airport to JHBC is $20 per trip: Idaho Falls airport is $100 per trip as it is 100 miles away.
What is included in tuition?
Room and board, all class trip expenses, books and laundry are included in tuition.
Why is tuition at JHBC higher than other Christian colleges?
Christian colleges vary in tuition; obviously with hundreds or even thousands of students attending a college, that college can keep their tuition low. Actually, a few Christian colleges in the U.S. with large student enrollment (thousands) have tuition as high as $60,000 for one year! Due to the nature of our program and facilities, we will only accept 35 students a year. Also, we take three major class field trips a year (six weeks) to 15 national parks and monuments plus the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter….we literally travel all over the United States! Even though we live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet, that has also greatly increased our cost of living and especially property taxes in the last few years which has unfortunately caused us to raise tuition.
Is it true laundry is provided at JHBC?
YES…we even provide the soap! Washing and drying machines are provided on campus for students’ use on afternoons during the week. College staff will designate specific time slots for each student. Cost is included in tuition.
Does JHBC provide any scholarships or discounts?
We offer $1000 Scholarship for students enrolled in our Work/Study program. The program entails 3 hours of miscellaneous work on the campus every Friday afternoon. JHBC offers $1000 discount for students who are MK/PK’s (missionary/pastor kids).
What should I bring?
Students are responsible to provide their own bedding for a twin-size bed. Personal storage provided will include: three drawers per student as well as some shelf and hanging space. (Add list here)
Is there storage for large items such as snowboard, skis, bikes, etc?
Yes, we have extra storage for large items.
What is provided in the rooms?
Each student will have approximately three drawers and some shelf space. There is one central lounge in each dorm and a shared bathroom.
Can my family or friends visit and does JHBC offer lodging or meals?
All guests requesting to visit at the college must be registered in advance with the college. Friends/family are not allowed to stay in dorms with students. Guests can find lodging in the town of Jackson which is 15 minutes away; motels such as Days Inn and Super 8 are the most economical. Families and guests may join for meals. Cost for joining students for meals is $6/breakfast, $7/lunch, and $8/dinner.