In a world where mainstream science and popular culture seem to be taking precedence over the Word of God, it is imperative that Christians turn to their Bibles for guidance in every area of life. From the origins of the universe to the principles of marriage, the secular world has set about dictating its own ideas, contrary to Scripture. At Jackson Hole Bible College, students are directed to God’s Word where they learn how to live a life grounded in Biblical principles.
JHBC’s mission is to give a schematic overview of God’s Word in a regular two-semester school year. We desire to teach our students a worldview that will provide a solid foundation for Biblical decision-making throughout every area of life. We wish for our students to be challenged in their academic pursuits but equally we desire their spiritual lives to be strengthened and challenged by constant exposure to the never-changing Word of God. We teach our students to defend their faith from a pre-suppositional perspective, which stands squarely upon the Word of God.
Our one-year program is designed to give students a clear understanding of God’s eternal plan through the timeline of human history beginning with a literal, historical, grammatical and contextual interpretation of Scripture. Foundational belief in a six-day solar creation text provides great emphasis on developing our students’ Christian worldview, based upon a solid Biblical hermeneutic.